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An Overview of the Creation Account: Biblical Authority and Genre

March 15, 2017 Speaker:

We begin our study of the creation account by discussing foundational issues of biblical authority and genre. We covered a variety of interrelated topics, including the distinction between general revelation and special revelation; the nature, scope, and limits of general revelation; and the necessity of special revelation—particularly God's word in the Scriptures—to truly know and be reconciled to YHWH as the one true, living God, Creator, Provider, Sustainer, Judge, Savior, and King over all creation. To seek to explain the origins and structure of the universe; the source and foundation of ethics; and all of reality by appeal merely to the creation itself—apart from God's word—is to live and think like an unrepentant idolater who does not truly know God and is, thus, "without excuse." Followers of Christ must understand these biblical distinctions and have their minds renewed by Scripture so as to worship God "in Spirit and truth."

The following lectures by Gregg Frazer, a professor at the Master's College, were also mentioned, included along with a conversation that he had with Albert Mohler and a link to some of his other sermons and lectures:

The Religious Beliefs of America's Founders
The Founding Fathers, Part 2
The Founding Fathers, Part 3
What Did America’s Founders Really Believe? A Conversation with Historian Gregg Frazer